About Andrea Pflaumer

Author of Shopping for the Real You, Andrea Pflaumer, is a non-fiction writer in the San Francisco Bay Area and host of the video series, Vital, Vivacious, and Visible after 50. She has written extensively about fashion for local and national publications and is a regular contributor to the Huffington Post, Better After 50, Sixty and Me, She Savvy, and Prime Women. Her free ten-lesson course, A Lazy Person's Guide to the Perfect Wardrobe, is available on Highbrow.com.

Where Are You Going? How do You Want to be Seen?

[This is an article I wrote, originally posted in Honey Good in February. I wanted to share it with all of you because it is pertinent now, and always.] That’s the question that Joan Songer, founder of Personal Style Counselors, always asked her clients, as a starting point. It’s a great question. And it’s one we subconsciously ask ourselves every time we get dressed. [...]


31 Days of Self-Care: Day 28, How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Melina Takvorian-Mishra Ph.D

One of the basic and most important parts of self-care is getting a good night's sleep. Our sleep plays a critical role in so many areas of our well-being. It helps to maintain a healthy immune system and it regulates our metabolism. Good sleep is also important for our memory function and our ability to learn. In general, deep and restful sleep improves our ability to be happier and more agreeable.
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