Iris Apfel: What Made Her So Famous?

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You may have heard that Iris Apfel, the self-described “geriatric starlet,” died earlier this year at the age of 102. Many of us learned about her only fairly recently through her most recent incarnation because she broke so many barriers about what constitutes fashion and who is “allowed” to represent it. But despite all the media hoopla about a 90+ year-old being an overnight sensation, her style roots, and the range of her influence over several decades, ran very deep. Click to read more >

For The Lazy Fashionista™ Who Hates to Shop

As a lazy fashionista, I have something of a love/hate relationship with shopping malls. Going to the mall requires dressing up, battling traffic, and staying hydrated and fed while trying to focus on what I really need instead of being swayed by what I don't. (Yes, I have that same challenge too [...]


Going “Native” – Shopping on Vacation

tropical_paradise_204378The beach, the sunshine, the margueritas…it’s all so alluring. We can almost forget we have a pile of laundry awaiting us once we get home. That’s often the reason we feel compelled to go shopping when we’re in a favorite vacation spot: all the trinkets and mementos transport us back to the “land of no responsibilities.” A vacation shopping adventure can be one of the most fun events on any holiday. It’s one of my favorite things to do, frankly. But it’s always a good plan to be at least slightly practical when shopping for clothes away from home base. I know that sounds boring, but it can save you some money and what you end up with will still connect you back to that oasis just as well.[...]


I don’t know what to wear!!

Mature woman choosing clothesSo, you’ve taken the lengthy questionnaire in my book (I hope!) and you finally have a clearer sense of your unique personal style. Now - how do you transform your wardrobe to more perfectly reflect who you are? Well, there are many wonderful stylists out there who can help you. But if you don’t have a fashion maven locally and you're one of those who can’t stand public dressing rooms or are just sick of going to the mall, you're not alone...and you're in luck. [...]

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