High Quality Clothes on Sale – NOW

I recently surveyed my readers to ask what they care most about in fashion. Well, that  quickly became irrelevant! Now, what we care about is our health and that of our loved ones. Still, all good – and bad – things must come to an end. The war against this virus and its quarantine will eventually be over. Most of us will be ditching our sweatpants, pajamas, and sneakers and getting back into civilian clothes.[...]


Comfortable Daytime Shoes

After Kon-mari-ing my closet recently I was on the lookout for a new pair of shoes to replace several that I recycled. As someone with a mostly Natural style type, and because I live in a town where dressing up can mean donning a new windbreaker, I’m always searching for comfortable everyday shoes, but at least some that have a modicum of style. And of course, new shoes would have to “bring me joy.” [...]


Ask Me Anything event online Monday

Folks, I got invited to participate in a website called Ask Me Anything (www.amafeed.com) It's a cute site that invites people to post a topic and then be available to members as they write in questions. Next week they are hosting a week of fashion discussions and my AMA will start on Monday, February 26th at 11:00 PST.[...]


Your Uniform

People Representing Diverse ProfessionsMy hairdresser, a very handsome young man, wears the same attire every day: a black Hanes t-shirt, black jeans that are cut off just above the knee, black socks and black leather high top boots.  Any skin surface that does show is covered with some colorful and pretty magnificent tattoos.

Now, you’d think that he just throws on what he was wearing the day before, but no. This is an extremely well thought-out uniform. He directs the same perfectionist’s critical eye to his attire that he does to each hair […]


Color and First Impressions

Colorful image from women's clothing store
You want to stay true to yourself in fashion, particularly when it comes to your colors. But sometimes you just gotta break—or temporarily bend—the rules a bit. Here’s an example. Many years ago a woman I know had an important business meeting with a group of potential investors for a TV series she was pitching. They were known to be extremely hard bargainers, notoriously sexist and profoundly stingy. She found out ahead of time that everyone in their executive office, particularly during negotiations, dressed in white. It set their ‘tone’ as being members of a lofty pantheon of power and authority. She wore white that day. She got the sale. (Hopefully she was wearing her version of white…) Knowing the culture of your potential client/employer or partner is an important part of establishing equal footing with and gaining respect from them. In the above example, the power of color was a significant subliminal component that helped make a positive first impression. [. . .]

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