Saving Money When Shopping for Clothes

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

If you have a 401k - or even a piggy bank! - you are probably counting your pennies very carefully right about now! So I wanted to share with you a few of my strategies for creating a great wardrobe on a tight budget. [...]

Not Just One Style Archetype?

The style quiz in Chapter 3 of my book, Shopping for the Real You, offers descriptions of various bone structure, features, coloring, and personality traits for each style archetype to help you determine where you fit in. But one of the major questions I consistently hear is, “I fit into multiple archetypes. How do I work with that?" [...]


I don’t know what to wear!!

Mature woman choosing clothesSo, you’ve taken the lengthy questionnaire in my book (I hope!) and you finally have a clearer sense of your unique personal style. Now - how do you transform your wardrobe to more perfectly reflect who you are? Well, there are many wonderful stylists out there who can help you. But if you don’t have a fashion maven locally and you're one of those who can’t stand public dressing rooms or are just sick of going to the mall, you're not alone...and you're in luck. [...]

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