31 Days of Self-Care: Day 19, Stay Hydrated!

Photo by Maria deLorenzo on Unsplash

Since we’re talking about self-care I have to explain why I'm not including a post about eating well. It’s simply because 1) everyone has different dietary requirements, and 2) By now just about every human on the planet has been made well aware of the need to eat a healthful diet. But there’s one bit of health advice I must share. It’s the importance of staying hydrated. [...]

Jewelry that Suits Your Style

Even in the height of the pandemic one area of fashion retail that seemed to stay afloat (besides leisurewear) was jewelry. That was the case across all levels of the economy.

On a Zoom call or FaceTime people may not have been able to see your drawstring sweatpants. But they could see your face and the upper half of your torso. So wearing a new pair of earrings added a much-needed touch of glamour and uplift. And, for those of us who avoided the mirror for a year, we could still look down […]


High Quality Clothes on Sale – NOW

I recently surveyed my readers to ask what they care most about in fashion. Well, that  quickly became irrelevant! Now, what we care about is our health and that of our loved ones. Still, all good – and bad – things must come to an end. The war against this virus and its quarantine will eventually be over. Most of us will be ditching our sweatpants, pajamas, and sneakers and getting back into civilian clothes.[...]


Comfortable Daytime Shoes

After Kon-mari-ing my closet recently I was on the lookout for a new pair of shoes to replace several that I recycled. As someone with a mostly Natural style type, and because I live in a town where dressing up can mean donning a new windbreaker, I’m always searching for comfortable everyday shoes, but at least some that have a modicum of style. And of course, new shoes would have to “bring me joy.” [...]

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