Packing Tips For Summer Travel

Photo: Angelo Pantzazis on Unsplash

Vacations in the summer months usually involve traveling to warmer destinations where we can just let go and relax. But preparing for any travel can be anything but relaxing. So here are some fundamental things to consider that can make the whole process less stressful, and actually kind of enjoyable! Once your itinerary is set and you have a fairly good idea of what the weather conditions will be you’re already half-way there. The events and climate will give you the parameters for what and how much you need to pack. Click to read more >

How to “En-light-en” Your Closet

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Packing for a trip, or for a vacation is always a challenge, but it’s a happy one. It lets us fantasize about the beautiful scenery we will encounter, imagine the relaxing, carefree days ahead, the delicious food, the people we might meet, and the wonderful places we will explore. [...]
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