High Quality Clothes on Sale – NOW

I recently surveyed my readers to ask what they care most about in fashion. Well, that  quickly became irrelevant! Now, what we care about is our health and that of our loved ones. Still, all good – and bad – things must come to an end. The war against this virus and its quarantine will eventually be over. Most of us will be ditching our sweatpants, pajamas, and sneakers and getting back into civilian clothes.[...]


Comfy Summer Sandals

Summertime is just around the corner up here in the Northern Hemisphere. And after my recent post about comfortable shoes I received many requests to write something similar about comfortable sandals. So here they are: a variety of stylish, comfortable sandals available right now. And thank you to all who sent in your suggestions. At the end of the article are links to some brands that I didn’t review. There might be something that works best for you among those.[...]

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