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Yeah, I know, decadence is a dirty word these days, especially when everyone is pushing you to go all minimalist in your closet, your kitchen, your vehicle, for the environment, for the planet, etc.

But I’m not talking about  the kind of indulgence that inspires laziness or depravity. I mean the kind that allows you to feel a little sinful…without actually being sinful.

Think about the things that you would love to have, to do, to eat, but deny yourself regularly because they are (choose as many as apply) fattening, too expensive, not available locally, out of your comfort  zone, not on your health regimen, or that if you try once you’re afraid you’d get hooked.”

Silk and Wool Shawl on Amazon $32

Or maybe just things that your friends, family or religious institutions “just don’t do,”

I want to give you permission to be decadent. Here’s what I mean.

How to Be Decadent, Without Being Decadent

Indulge. Buy that luxe-looking shawl, even if you only place it somewhere to look at it on the wall or love seeing it in your closet.

Photo by Vlada Karpovich on Pexels

Eat that one éclair, or luscious pastry. (I did say “one.”) And thoroughly enjoy it, every single bite. Eat it as if every morsel was manna from heaven, nurturing your every cell.

Take something you regularly launder to the cleaners and let them do it for you. Hire someone to do something that is becoming difficult, annoying, or just plain unpleasant for you to do.



Go get a manicure or pedicure. Really can’t afford it? Then put it on your wish list for your next birthday or special occasion – ask for a gift certificates for it for your next birthday.

Photo by Florence Viadana on Unsplash

Do you see that a cookie, sandwich, piece of chicken, or a last banana that you were saving for someone else to eat? Eat it. Sit down, take a breath and enjoy it. Nobody will die if you do this. This is especially important if you tend to be the martyr in the house. It tells the other members of the family that you matter too.

But, I Just Can’t…

Yes, I hear some of you: “with the kids and our budget and my responsibilities, these are impossible.”

OK, then simply carve out the time to do any single one of these other things.

Photo by Matilda Wormwood on Pexels

Make yourself a cup of tea, coffee, or pour yourself a glass of wine, shut a door, grab a cozy wrap, and sit down with a book you have been wanting to read. Or put on your headphones and listen to your favorite music or a podcast you have wanted  to hear.

Photo by Elina Sazonova on Pexels

Or go somewhere, alone, without a “purpose” other than to spend time enjoying yourself. Walk slowly, as if you had all the time in the world and nothing else to do, nowhere pressing to go. Indulge” in every beautiful, interesting, joyful, unexpected thing you see or person you encounter. Walk into that interesting store that you have passed and wondered about. Sit down in a café or park and people-watch.

How It Changes Your Life

I think you get the idea. This form of “decadence” puts you more in touch with your body and less “in your mind.” Letting go of the “shoulds, musts, or have tos” from time to time releases you from a lot of physical and psychological tension. You will feel more relaxed. A practical benefit is that you will make decisions from a more relaxed state instead of from a worried, anxious, or pressured one. That’s because, unlike the way mind often fools us, the body doesn’t lie.

When you create a sense of luxury in your life, starting with even little luxuries, eventually a more luxurious life becomes your reality.

I would love to hear what your form of “decadence” might be!




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