Baby shoppingWhen the Dalai Lama was first installed as the spiritual leader of Tibet he admitted that one of his very first thoughts was “I wonder how I’m going to look in those robes?” I loved his candor and honesty. It’s a rare person who doesn’t care how they look.

If we believe that the entire state of the world is summarized in the tragedies and imponderable events on the nightly news, we might conclude that any activity having to do with commerce – particularly something like shopping for clothes – is meaningless and superficial.

I emphatically disagree!

How we dress, how we present ourselves when we step out the door, or even when we just stay hunkered down in our own abode, says a lot about how we feel about ourselves. It’s one of the most direct reflections of how much we are willing to engage in life.

Life is about growth, evolution, and progress. And the fashion world, for all its quirks and commercial eccentricities, is – at its best — a mirror of that evolution. Buying something new and maybe a little bit – dare we say it “fashionable” – keeps us in the path of life. When we find a new article of clothing that brings us joy or that makes us feel authentic and beautiful we are making a statement: “I’m alive, I deserve to be seen, and look what beauty I can contribute to the world.”

That said, I’m not advocating throwing out last year’s wardrobe. I’m simply giving permission to anyone who needs it to fully enjoy one of the more delightful pleasures in life. My goal for you in writing my book, Shopping for the Real You, is that every clothing purchase you make is purposeful and makes you feel attractive and alive every time you wear it – whether it’s something off the rack at Neiman Marcus or a real treasure found at the Goodwill.

Here’s to a joyful and fashionable Real You!

Andrea’s books and new video series:

Shopping for the Real You front cover image
