For The Lazy Fashionista™ Who Hates to Shop

As a lazy fashionista, I have something of a love/hate relationship with shopping malls. Going to the mall requires dressing up, battling traffic, and staying hydrated and fed while trying to focus on what I really need instead of being swayed by what I don't. (Yes, I have that same challenge too [...]


Your fashion rants…a summary

iStock_000035887364_Large Well! I asked you all to write in about your biggest fashion frustration...and got quite an earful. It appears that a lot of you share the same concerns, obstacles, and challenges with the whole process of shopping. Thank you one and all for taking the time to write. Here's a summary that pretty much covers all your rants. Do these resonate?


Angels Among Us

In chapter three of Shopping for the Real You I offer four methods to help you determine your individual style, based on seven basic archetypes. The amount of each archetype that is expressed in someone’s personality, facial features, and body type creates an overall picture of their unique style. One of the more interesting and unusual of these archetypes is the ethereal Click to read more >

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