What I bought for my birthday: High Street vs Slightly Higher

Birthdays are an excuse to indulge a bit. So this year I went beyond my usual High Street shopping habit to dip my toe into a slightly pricier brand. "High Street" is the term for affordable chain stores you might find on the main drag in most cities. About 80% of my wardrobe comes from that type of retailer. because they cater to petite sizes and they offer a lot of well-made and inexpensive items. Click to read more >


Saving Money When Shopping for Clothes

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

If you have a 401k - or even a piggy bank! - you are probably counting your pennies very carefully right about now! So I wanted to share with you a few of my strategies for creating a great wardrobe on a tight budget. [...]

Comfortable Daytime Shoes

After Kon-mari-ing my closet recently I was on the lookout for a new pair of shoes to replace several that I recycled. As someone with a mostly Natural style type, and because I live in a town where dressing up can mean donning a new windbreaker, I’m always searching for comfortable everyday shoes, but at least some that have a modicum of style. And of course, new shoes would have to “bring me joy.” [...]

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