31 Days of Self-Care: Day 24, Breathing and the Immune System

Dr. John Douillard, founder, LifeSpa.com

I don't know anyone these days who hasn't been deeply concerned about their immune system. And, there are likely just as many of us who are paying close attention to how our lungs are working! That's why I am thrilled to welcome our guest today, Dr. John Douillard, to speak with us about the relationship between breathing and immunity. [...]

31 Days of Self Care – Day 6: Using Both Sides of Your Brain

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

Photo by Counselling on Pixabay

We have all heard about people who were either “left-brained” or “right-brained.” In general, the left hemisphere of our brain governs our logical, analytical and objective thinking and the right hemisphere governs creative, emotional, and intuitive thinking. There are great advantages to developing both. [...]
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