Iris Apfel: What Made Her So Famous?

Iris Apfel Amazon Print

You may have heard that Iris Apfel, the self-described “geriatric starlet,” died earlier this year at the age of 102. Many of us learned about her only fairly recently through her most recent incarnation because she broke so many barriers about what constitutes fashion and who is “allowed” to represent it. But despite all the media hoopla about a 90+ year-old being an overnight sensation, her style roots, and the range of her influence over several decades, ran very deep. Click to read more >

Blazers and How to Wear Them

AQUA x Maeve Reilly Tweed Double Breasted Blazer

The one garment that can elevate an outfit or that will save a blah one, is the right blazer or jacket. It can add polish and sophistication. It can dress an outfit up or down. It can hide the spaghetti stains on the blouse you forgot to wash! Click to read more >

Where Are You Going? How do You Want to be Seen?

[This is an article I wrote, originally posted in Honey Good in February. I wanted to share it with all of you because it is pertinent now, and always.] That’s the question that Joan Songer, founder of Personal Style Counselors, always asked her clients, as a starting point. It’s a great question. And it’s one we subconsciously ask ourselves every time we get dressed. [...]


Gift Ideas for Different Style Types

Photo by Drazan Zigic

An old friend told me that she gave gifts to people that she, herself, liked. She cited the tenet: “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” I thought this was a kind a flawed idea for gift-giving. What if the person is nothing like you in taste, style, or preferences? [...]

What is Beauty? What is Considered Beautiful?

Illustration Courtesy of McGill University Library

Asking someone, “what is beauty” is like asking them “what is art?” One person’s idea of what is beautiful may not be anything like what another person perceives as beautiful. But there are some elements of beauty, regardless of the form, that speak to us on a deep level. [...}
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