31 Days of Self-Care: Day 28, How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Melina Takvorian-Mishra Ph.D

One of the basic and most important parts of self-care is getting a good night's sleep. Our sleep plays a critical role in so many areas of our well-being. It helps to maintain a healthy immune system and it regulates our metabolism. Good sleep is also important for our memory function and our ability to learn. In general, deep and restful sleep improves our ability to be happier and more agreeable.

31 Days of Self Care – Day 6: Using Both Sides of Your Brain

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

Photo by Counselling on Pixabay

We have all heard about people who were either “left-brained” or “right-brained.” In general, the left hemisphere of our brain governs our logical, analytical and objective thinking and the right hemisphere governs creative, emotional, and intuitive thinking. There are great advantages to developing both. [...]

A Summer Set: Comfort and Ease

Pauline Durban

My friend Pauline Durban, of Covered Perfectly, contacts me a couple times a year to check out the newest items on her site. If you've seen my previous posts about her clothes you know that they lean heavily toward comfort and sustainability. For the summer season she sent me two pieces to check out, both extremely comfortable and versatile. Here's how I styled them.[...]

Guess I won’t be invited THERE again…

About three weeks ago I got invited to participate in special event at Saks Fifth Avenue called "Ageless Beauty." A panel of four women at different age groups (I would be representing the baby boomers, of course) were invited to give their reviews of nine beauty and skin care products. I was a little bit wary but it sounded like fun so I said, “yes.” Click to read more >


Your fashion rants…a summary

iStock_000035887364_Large Well! I asked you all to write in about your biggest fashion frustration...and got quite an earful. It appears that a lot of you share the same concerns, obstacles, and challenges with the whole process of shopping. Thank you one and all for taking the time to write. Here's a summary that pretty much covers all your rants. Do these resonate?

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