Cheap Cashmere…but is it sustainable?

Oyuna Lugo sweater in Magma

It’s now autumn in the Northern hemisphere and that means time to unpack our winter sweaters. Unlike many synthetics cashmere withstands the test of time - and repeated wear. It just looks better too. [...]

Jewelry that Suits Your Style

Even in the height of the pandemic one area of fashion retail that seemed to stay afloat (besides leisurewear) was jewelry. That was the case across all levels of the economy.

On a Zoom call or FaceTime people may not have been able to see your drawstring sweatpants. But they could see your face and the upper half of your torso. So wearing a new pair of earrings added a much-needed touch of glamour and uplift. And, for those of us who avoided the mirror for a year, we could still look down […]


The Value of Authenticity and Repetition

17_2_pina_bausch_krueger Many years ago, as a young dance student at UCLA, one of my instructors demonstrated a movement performed by one of the notable postmodern dancer/choreographers. (I don’t remember who the dancer was but I’m guessing it was the incomparable Pina Bausch.) She began the movement with her back toward the audience, and then very slowly and deliberately turned to face them full on, at which point she threw her arms outward and lifted her face toward the sky as if to say, “Here I am world!” And then she turned around, reversing the movement until her back was to the audience. And then she repeated the sequence again. And again. And again. And again… [...]

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