Blazers and How to Wear Them

AQUA x Maeve Reilly Tweed Double Breasted Blazer

The one garment that can elevate an outfit or that will save a blah one, is the right blazer or jacket. It can add polish and sophistication. It can dress an outfit up or down. It can hide the spaghetti stains on the blouse you forgot to wash! Click to read more >

Where Are You Going? How do You Want to be Seen?

[This is an article I wrote, originally posted in Honey Good in February. I wanted to share it with all of you because it is pertinent now, and always.] That’s the question that Joan Songer, founder of Personal Style Counselors, always asked her clients, as a starting point. It’s a great question. And it’s one we subconsciously ask ourselves every time we get dressed. [...]


High Quality Clothes on Sale – NOW

I recently surveyed my readers to ask what they care most about in fashion. Well, that  quickly became irrelevant! Now, what we care about is our health and that of our loved ones. Still, all good – and bad – things must come to an end. The war against this virus and its quarantine will eventually be over. Most of us will be ditching our sweatpants, pajamas, and sneakers and getting back into civilian clothes.[...]


Not Just One Style Archetype?

The style quiz in Chapter 3 of my book, Shopping for the Real You, offers descriptions of various bone structure, features, coloring, and personality traits for each style archetype to help you determine where you fit in. But one of the major questions I consistently hear is, “I fit into multiple archetypes. How do I work with that?" [...]


Leopard and Shearling and Plaid, Oh My!!

Kenneth Cole NY Brushed Plaid $238

Bb Dakota Vegan Jacket $90

Sometimes we all get so locked into what has worked for us in the past that we resist changing at all. The result is that our "look" can get a bit stale. So, I wanted to share a few images with you about some of the newer items and trends that we’re seeing a lot of this season. Maybe they will inspire you to think about how you might take your own wardrobe more fashion-forward. [...]
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